Digital Sky Star

Internet Marketing and Web Design & Development Company

Top 42 PHP Frameworks for Web Development

Last updated on 23 Feb, 2024 by Digital Sky Star
Top 42 PHP Frameworks for Web Development

PHP frameworks are designed to simplify complex coding concerns of PHP developers. It is a globally accepted programming language helping developers to create exclusive web applications in a short time. In fact, the best part about PHP frameworks is its ease in adapting. It is easier to learn in comparison to various other scripting languages.

By making use of PHP frameworks, developers will be able to cut down a lot on the development time by avoiding the need to start coding from scratch. Without properly signified PHP frameworks, it is difficult to manage the codes. PHP operates on the fundamentals of MVC (Model View Controller), which is an architecture pattern available in programming languages creating a bridge between domain logic and user interface. The task of Domain Logic is to deal with the ability to manage an exchange of information between database and user interface. This makes the entire process easier and is logically presented.

Here’s a list of best 42 PHP frameworks

1. Laravel : When people talk about PHP frameworks, one of the names that tend to pop up most often is Laravel. This particular framework is renown for its elegant syntax, which is easy to grasp and a pleasure to work with.

With Lavarel, you can get to work on your projects rapidly. You’ll also be able to skip a lot of groundwork since you get access to functions such as user authentication, session management, and caching. Overall, Laravel packs all the functionality you’ll need to build a modern PHP application, which is saying a lot.

If you’re interested in the technical reasons that using Laravel can be a smart idea, we can sum those up easily. First, Laravel core is solid from a performance standpoint, and you can extend the framework using a lot of add-ons.

Laravel also integrates beautifully with other third-party libraries and platforms, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), which enables you to build highly-scalable applications. For long-running tasks, you can queue them to run asynchronously in the background, which helps to improve performance even further.

Website : https://laravel.com

Reasons to use Laravel

  • Laravel is suitable when developing applications with complex backend requirements, whether small or large. Installing Laravel has been made easier by the introduction of Homestead, a prepackaged, all-in-one vagrant box.
  • It’s a PHP framework full of features that will help you customize complex apps. Among these: seamless data migration, MVC architecture support, security, routing, view template engine, and authentication, among many others.
  • Laravel is highly expressive, and its speed and security are in line with expectations for a modern web application. For developers who want to build B2B or enterprise websites that will evolve with changing web trends, Laravel is the way to go.

Key Features:

  • Use a framework that prides itself on elegant syntax
  • Extend Laravel’s core functionality using add-ons
  • Use built-in functions to handle routing, user management, caching, and plenty more
  • Integrate Laravel with third-party libraries and platforms such as AWS
  • Run tasks asynchronously in the background to improve performance

Finally, Laravel boasts a highly-active community, which means finding help or tutorials is never a challenge. If this is your first time using a framework, that makes Laravel an even better option.

2. Symfony: If there were a competition for the best PHP framework, Symfony would be right up there with CodeIgniter and Laravel in terms of popularity. Once you start digging into the framework, it becomes easy to see why.

Along with having a cool name, Symfony is highly flexible. It features a bundle and component system that enables you to cherry-pick the PHP functions you need, or simply use the entire framework.

To ensure that your applications run as they should, the framework also includes built-in testing functionality. In our experience, however, applications built using Symfony often don’t have the best performance. Plus, the framework has a very steep learning curve when compared to the other options we’ve seen so far.

Website : https://symfony.com

Reasons to use Symfony

  • Symfony is the perfect choice for developing large-scale enterprise projects. It’s easy to install and configure on most platforms.
  • One of its key features? It’s reusable PHP components. It also boasts database engine–independence, and it’s stable, complies with most web best practices and design patterns, and allows for integration with other vendor libraries.
  • Symfony is also highly flexible and can integrate with bigger projects like Drupal. Symfony and Laravel have many common and unique features, which makes it difficult to say which of these frameworks is better.

Key Features:

  • Use a highly flexible framework that enables you to set up individual components
  • Take advantage of the framework’s built-in testing functionality
  • Learn how to use the platform through its excellent documentation

Symfony can be a strong option if you care about modularity. You can just use the components you want instead of a full library, which can make this the best PHP framework if you only need a little help.

3. CodeIgniter: CodeIgniter is a PHP framework that uses a Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. In layman’s terms, that means CodeIgniter uses different components to handle specific development tasks. This approach is well-liked among developers because it enables you to build highly-scalable web applications with a smaller footprint.

If you’re new to PHP frameworks, CodeIgniter can be an excellent choice, because it’s rather easy to learn and get started with. Plus, the platform boasts excellent documentation, which means you shouldn’t have too much trouble learning the basics. CodeIgniter also offers solid performance, which means it’s perfect if you want to build lightweight applications that run well on modest servers.

Website : http://codeigniter.com

Reasons to use CodeIgniter

  • CodeIgniter is a lightweight and straightforward PHP framework that’s hassle-free to install, unlike other frameworks. Due to a simple setup process and highly illustrated documentation, it’s ideal for beginners.
  • Key features include an MVC architecture, top-notch error handling, inbuilt security tools, and simple and excellent documentation. In addition, it creates scalable apps.
  • Compared with other frameworks, CodeIgniter is considerably faster. Since it also offers solid performance, it’s a good choice when you want to develop lightweight applications to run on modest servers. One caveat: CodeIgniter releases are a bit irregular, so the framework isn’t a great option for an application that requires high-level security.

Key Features:

  • Use a lightweight framework built with performance in mind
  • Get started quickly, thanks to the framework’s simplicity and excellent documentation
  • Create scalable apps using the framework’s MVC-based architecture

There are a lot of pros to using CodeIgniter. However, we’re wary about calling it the best PHP framework, because it also comes with some downsides. For example, its releases are somewhat irregular, so it may not be the top option for applications that require high-level security standards.

4. Yii Framework: Yii is another strong entry in our roundup of the best PHP frameworks, and it’s a worthy competitor. Right away, we can tell you that Yii shines due to how easy it is to set up. Along with that, the framework is right up there with Phalcon when it comes to performance, which is a huge selling point.

Just like the other PHP frameworks we’ve seen so far, Yii offers a robust set of components you can use to speed up web application development. However, it stands out due to its robust set of security features, which you can use create highly secure projects.

Website : https://www.yiiframework.com

Reasons to use Yii

  • Yii has an easy installation process. Furthermore, its robust security features make the framework suitable for highly secure endeavors such as e-commerce projects, portals, CMS, forums, and many others.
  • It boasts excellent speed and performance, it’s highly extensible, and it lets developers avoid the complexity of writing repetitive SQL statements, as they can model the database data in terms of objects.
  • Yii has a core developer team and experts that contribute to its development. With a massive community using it, you can post issues on Yii forums and get help.
  • Yii is extremely extensible, and you can customize nearly every piece of the core’s code. However, if it’s your first time using it, be prepared for a steep learning curve.

Key Features:

  • Excellent speed and performance
  • Use the default setup or customize it to meet your precise needs
  • Create secure websites and applications

As for its downsides, Yii can be a bit tough to pick up if it’s your first framework. It’s a top competitor for the title of best PHP framework, but if you’re new to the language, there are other more beginner-friendly options you can use.

5. Cake PHP: In the early 2000s, CakePHP was the first PHP MVC framework to hit the market. Back then it was a revelation, and it’s still one of the best PHP frameworks you can use (and one of the most popular).

Newer versions of CakePHP have improved in performance over time, and added lots of new components. However, where CakePHP really shines is in the way it approaches convention in coding. This means that with CakePHP, once you master its set of conventions, you can focus on development and get more work done faster.

Along with that, CakePHP offers a wonderful set of libraries that include a lot of helpful components (as every PHP framework should). During our tests, we found that CakePHP offers one of the most thorough sets of components you can find, so it’s a great option if you need to implement hard-to-find features.

Website : https://cakephp.org

Reasons to use CakePHP

  • CakePHP is simple and easy to install, as you only need a web server and a copy of the framework.
  • It makes a good choice for commercial applications due to security features that include SQL injection prevention, input validation, cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection, and cross-site scripting (XSS) protection.
  • Some key features include a modern framework, fast builds, proper class inheritance, validation, and security. In addition, CakePHP provides great documentation, many support portals, and premium support through Cake Development Corporation.

Key Features:

  • Take advantage of a broad set of components
  • Use CakePHP’s conventions to code projects faster

Of course, CakePHP can be a bit restrictive due to its love of conventions. If you like to code by the seat of your pants and to be as creative as possible, CakePHP might not be the best option for you. Still, it’s a strong pick for many developers.

6. Phalcon: Phalcon is a bit of an oddity when it comes to PHP frameworks. Its source code is written in C, so it’s basically a C extension of PHP. This sounds odd, but in practice, it results in one of the fastest frameworks we’ve had the pleasure of using.

When it comes to performance, Phalcon lives up to its name, and it consistently delivers results that are near the top of the pack. Phalcon is also very light on resources, and it uses an MVC architecture. Plus, it’s unique in that the framework itself has almost no files once you install it. Instead, you just add the modules and libraries you need when you need them, which makes for a very uncluttered development process.

Website : https://phalcon.io/en-us

Reasons to use Phalcon

  • Phalcon is easy to install and suitable for creating highly configurable web applications that are in line with enterprise development guidelines.
  • Key features include increased execution speed, asset management, a universal autoloader, and top security and caching.
  • Unlike other frameworks, Phalcon optimizes performance due to its efficient memory utilization. If you’re looking to create a blazing fast website, give Phalcon a try.
  • On the negative side, Phalcon developers are a bit slow to patch bugs, which may not jive with today’s need for high levels of security.

Key Features:

  • Use a PHP framework that’s based on C
  • Take advantage of Phalcon’s fantastic performance and low resource overhead
  • Use only the modules and libraries you need

So far, Phalcon must be sounding pretty good. We’re big fans of this framework, but it’s worth noting that since we’re talking about a less popular tool, its documentation isn’t up to par with giants like Laravel. Finding help with bugs can also take more work. However, Phalcon comes pretty close to being the best PHP framework you can use, especially if performance is what you’re looking for.

7. Zend: A lot of people refer to Zend as a ‘glue’ framework, which is a way of referring to its component-based nature. Zend is an object-oriented, MVC-based framework that enables you to load only the components you want as individual libraries.

To put it another way, Zend enables you to focus only on the components and functions you want, and ignore everything else. Thanks to this approach and the framework’s object-oriented nature, you should be able to reuse a lot of the code you write, which is always great news. In addition, it’s quite easy to integrate the platform with external libraries to extend its functionality even further.

Website : https://framework.zend.com

Reasons to use Zend

  • Zend framework is an excellent fit for complex, enterprise-level projects. It’s the preferred framework for large IT departments and banks.
  • Some key features include MVC components, simple cloud API, data encryption, and session management.
  • It can integrate with external libraries, and you can use only the components you want. The Zend framework comes with extremely good documentation and has a large community base. However, if you’re a mobile app builder, get ready for a steep learning curve.

Key Features:

  • Use a PHP object-oriented framework with an MVC architecture
  • Re-use your code thanks to the platform’s design
  • Integrate Zend with external libraries easily
  • Use only the components you want, and ignore everything else

However, there are a few downsides to using Zend. The platform is fairly complex to pick up, for example. In our experience, if you’re moving from a tool such as Laravel to Zend, the jump can be quite challenging, and it can be somewhat intimidating if it’s your first framework. Still, Zend can be the best PHP framework if you have development experience and you like object-oriented coding.

8. Aura: If you are looking for PHP frameworks that are a compilation of higher quality, completely checked, individual libraries, which can be competently utilized in any type of coding structure. Each kind of library is self-enclosed and does not rely on any further package. It is specially meant for those, who believe in clean coding, completely decoupled libraries and self-governing packages. It also offers trivial, thoroughly tested and standard structure.

Website : http://auraphp.com

9. Fuel PHP: Fuel is an easy, agile, community-driven PHP 5.3+ framework, which relies on the finest ideas of other structures. It is presently bringing out version 2 of the project, existing in beta stage.

Popular as a presentation model, Fuel PHP is laced with the additional features present between the controllers. Fuel PHP is a potent, proficient and one of the best and recommended PHP frameworks that assist in making incredible websites.

Website : https://fuelphp.com

Reasons to use FuelPHP

  • FuelPHP helps developers deliver end-to-end web solutions that are diverse in size and complexities.
  • Key features include HMVC implementation, RESTful implementation, a URL routing system, vulnerability protection, and a caching system.
  • It extends its security approach beyond ordinary security measures, making it a great option if security is crucial for your project. Because FuelPHP is relatively new, it offers less support and may present a steeper learning curve.

Key Features:

  • Full support for HMVC
  • Hardened security out of the box
  • A unique command line utility

The framework supports PHP version 5.4 and above. Plus it offers in-depth documentation that will help start developing as quickly as possible.

10. PHPixie: PHP developers looking for a simplified PHP frameworks opt for PHPixie because it is operational on the platform of MVC pattern, helping developers design applications in a short span of time. It is uncomplicated to study and perform flawlessly to create superior web applications. Moreover, it offers a strong foundation for development. Requiring lesser configuration & being easy to use, this is going to be one among more & more popular PHP frameworks in coming days.

Website : https://phpixie.com

Reasons to use PHPixie

  • It’s easy to get started with PHPixie, which is suitable for social networking websites, customized web applications, and web app development services.
  • Key features include HMVC architecture, standard ORM (object-relational mapping), input validation, authorization capabilities, authentication, and caching.
  • PHPixie is built using independent components. For this reason, you can use it without the framework itself. Note that PHPixie has relatively few modules. Besides that, it lacks support for components independently made from the dependencies. Since it’s relatively new, it’s less popular and has a smaller community of users than other frameworks.

11. Kohana: Looking for awesome and stylish PHP frameworks with a loaded set of features to create web applications. Go for Kohana. It helps in building web applications rapidly due to numerous universal components integrated, as translation tools, code profiling, database access, encryption, validation, and many more. It also has superior debugging and profiling tools assisting to resolve any problems. Kohana is developed to be a very swift PHP framework, highly optimized for real-world handling.

Website : http://kohanaframework.org

12. Slim: Created as a lightweight framework, Slim is a micro-framework that allows quickly creating easy and powerful web applications as well as APIs. It has a reliable router, template depiction with bespoke views, HTTP caching, flash messages, protected cookies with AES-256 encryption, logging with custom log writers, error treatment and debugging and uncomplicated configuration.

Website : http://www.slimframework.com

Reasons to use Slim

  • Just like PHPixie, Slim is easy to learn. PHP developers use Slim to develop RESTful APIs and web services.
  • Key features include URL routing, session, and cookie encryption, client-side HTTP caching, and more.
  • It’s the best framework for a small web application that doesn’t necessarily require a full-stack PHP framework. In addition, active maintenance and friendly documentation make Slim super user-friendly.

13. Flight: Flight is a widespread microstructure meant for PHP developers and is known as a speedy, easy & flexible framework. The best part of Flight is that it allows developers to promptly and easily build heavy web applications. It requires PHP 5.3+.

Website : https://flightphp.com

14. Medoo: Medoo is the lightest & an easily manageable PHP framework used to hasten web development process. It occupies just 13kb space in a single file. It is tremendously simple to learn and implement, compatible with a variety of SQL databases such as MySQL, SQLite, MSSQL, Maria DB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sybase and more. The framework is offered free under the license of MIT. In this technology oriented world, Medoo is a relief for those developers, who do not want to get entangled in managing complicated coding requirements.

Website : https://medoo.in

15. POP PHP: The POP PHP framework design is vigorous; but, simple to use with an efficient API. It calls for PHP 5.3+ and manages to maintain its minimalism and lightweight nature. Though numerous novel features have been added, it can still be used purely as a toolbox, or as a foundation for your applications.

Website : https://www.popphp.org

16. Simple MVC: Simple MVC framework is enormously easy to install, have simplified coding structure and uncomplicated to learn. In fact, the setup can take place by ideating the site path. It includes trouble-free theme files, as well as complete control overviews; even, themes can be utilized to promptly change the appeal of the application or a website. Generally, MySQL is offered by making use of a PDO helper that can be bartered to MySQLI, Medoo or any other database engine. This makes such a framework demanding because of the simplified approach adopted.

Website : http://simplemvcframework.com/php-framework

17. Nette: Nette is a powerful helping developer create better websites. Nette makes use of radical technology that abolishes security holes and their mishandling like in XSS, session hijacking, and session fixation. It features strong debug tools, which help in discovering bugs in a meticulous fashion.

Website : https://nette.org/en/

18. Fat-free: Being a powerful and simple to use micro-framework, Fat-Free have been created by Bong Cosca in 2009.  Indeed, it is one of the lightweight structured PHP frameworks taking lesser than 50KB space file. Out of best PHP frameworks, this was created almost completely in PHP with features like URL router, support of the multi-lingual application and cache engine. There are many plug-ins available for extensive database back-end operations such as MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Sybase, MongoDB, DB2, CouchDB, and Flat File.

Website : https://fatfreeframework.com/3.7/home

19. PHP Mini: PHP Mini has a valid place in the list of PHP frameworks which is a heavy PHP structure ideal for small projects and quick prototypes, taking lesser storage space. Though plain; it has a clean code and is simple to understand. The CRUD based demo operations are integrated for simplified database entries. Generally, all the codes are more or less written in PHP, which does not require developers to learn any additional frameworks. This makes it easy for the developers to work with PHP Mini while considering other PHP frameworks.

Website : http://www.php-mini.com

20. Zikula: Based on Symfony and Doctrine, Zikula is one of the open sourced PHP frameworks. It can be used for small, personal and also enterprise based projects. Zikula is well incorporated with the accepted Bootstrap 3 structure and Font Awesome 4. There are certain exclusive features involving elegant theme system, ModuleStudio, WYSIWYG editors, document originator, chat, galleries and many more. Zikula has managed to gain recognition for its high-end performance.

Website : http://zikula.org

21. Silex: Inspired by Sinatra, Silex is a specialized PHP micro-structure for PHP 5.3. it is one among powerful PHP frameworks that allow developers to create single file applications with a concise API. Considered highly technical, Symfony’s HTTP Kernel makes it possible for applications to be easily tested. The best part of having this PHP Framework is that it offers a secured development of applications.

Website : https://silex.symfony.com

22. Agavi: Agavi is a powerful, scalable PHP5 application that operates on the principles of the MVC paradigm. It allows developers to type clean, manageable and flexible code. Agavi puts emphasis on constant quality rather than short-ranged decisions. When it comes to choose from many quality app PHP frameworks, Agavi is the preferred choice of developers. Technology has always been creating platforms that are advanced in nature and equipped with extensive features. 

Website : http://www.agavi.org

23. Typo 3 Flow: There are many PHP frameworks that make coding a happy experience and a thing to love. Example is TYPO3 Flow, which is a web application podium empowering developers to create smarter web solutions. It is powered to give faster results. It can act as a stable base for creating various complicated applications. Another wonderful thing about this framework is that it is one of the widely supported PHP frameworks by major PHP communities.

Website : https://flow.neos.io

24. Prado: PRADO (derived from PHP Rapid Application Development Object-oriented) is a component framework for PHP5. It is an event-driven programming framework used for developing Web applications in PHP 5. It was first written in PHP4 by Qiang Xue in 2004, which was later re-written to PHP 5. One of the most important benefit of PRADO is that it enables maximum reusability of codes in programming and this hugely benefits the development teams in the long run as they can easily reuse their previous codes or other developers code in an easy way. Thus best PHP frameworks list will only be a complete one if Prado is enlisted.

Website : http://pradosoft.com

25. Cappuccino: This is not a coffee to be tasted; rather, it is one of the popular PHP frameworks to develop applications in a short time without missing out on essentials. Created by the 280North team of Motorola, it got popular for its rich features and ability to develop applications that might not have been possible on other framework bases.

Website : https://www.cappuccino.dev

26. Limonade: Limonade has managed to gain significance for high-quality web designing and development solutions. Apart from this, Limonade is one among excellent PHP frameworks in assisting developers for speedy prototyping solutions.

Website : https://limonade-php.github.io

27. Webasyst: Known as a suite for applications, Webasyst is meant to help the developers work together in teams, collaborations, and creating eCommerce stores.

Website : https://www.webasyst.com/platform/

28. Guzzle PHP: The main use of Guzzle PHP framework is to allow developers to create applications that are less time to consume. The applications designed on this platform are extremely simple in managing tasks of an online store. Simplified coding makes it easy to understand and share it.

Website : https://github.com/guzzle

29. YAF: Being another framework marvel based on core PHP, YAF is a primary MVC tool that has been written in C language and created as PHP Extension. It is considered as one of the speediest and the lowest resource consuming PHP structure as of now.

Website : https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.yaf.php

30. Akelos PHP framework: The Akelos Framework is an open-source port of Ruby on Rails to the PHP programming language and it implements many features from RoR, which helps in easily coding multilingual database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern. If you are looking for very developer friendly PHP frameworks, Akelos Framework will be your best choice as it lets you write less code.

Website : http://trac.akelos.org

31. Qcodo: One of the awesome PHP Frameworks! We proudly present before you the Qcodo Development Framework, which is one of the open-source PHP frameworks and also, it would be more exciting when you come to know that is a wholly object-oriented framework too.

The best part of using Qcodo when comparing with other PHP frameworks is to relieve the developers from the unnecessary strain of coding. Let me reveal another interesting fact about using Qcodo- the websites that are powered by Qcodo are capable of generating over 100 million page views each month.

Organisations such as the NASA and companies like HP where there is always this rigorous production of data are implementing Qcodo as it hassle-free to use.

Regardless of the application, you can implement Qcodo for almost anything and everything that includes both large scale enterprise applications and even the Web 2.0 startups.

Here is the reason why we recommend Qcodo for you:

  • Global support
  • It supports object oriented database querying library
  • Also, it comes with database profiling tools that are in-built
  • It comes with a fully-integrated PHP driven AJAX Support.

Website : https://github.com/qcodo/qcodo

32. evoCore: If you are looking for best PHP frameworks to power your blog then, this should be your first choice. You can grab its license either from

It is available for anyone at anytime because it is absolutely free of cost.

You can use evoCore without PHP 5. It can still work under PHP 4. Also, you can host your applications on any web hosting provider. Here, you are free to choose the web host provider that you prefer and also, fits well into your budget.

Website : http://evocore.net/download.html

33. Stratus: Like Qcodo, Stratus is both an object-oriented and open-source PHP Framework!

It is mainly used for rapid development of PHP web applications. Also, you do not worry about the safety and security when working on Stratus.

Website : https://github.com/stratuslab

34. Seagull: Seagull is one of the object oriented PHP Frameworks that can be used for building complicated applications in a jiffy.

If you are an amateur PHP Developer, then, this is where you should be starting out.

You can hunt down in the Seagull library for sample applications that can be tailored to fit into your requirements with ease.

Don’t worry if you are an expert, still, you can implement Seagull because it provides you with a variety of options that includes a modular codebase, standards, best practices that will guide you through building some of the best applications.

A number of the command line, GUI apps and web applications have been powered by the Seagull framework from PHP. Help and assistance is available at anytime because of the active community that Seagull possesses.

Website : http://www.seagullproject.org

35. Maintainable: Less often heard but one of the awesome PHP frameworks. It was earlier developed by a community of developers for powering the applications they worked upon.

But, later on, it was made globally available as per the request from their customers. It cannot be used with all kinds of applications but, of course, it could serve the needs of small and middle-sized businesses.

Website : https://github.com/maintainable/framework

36. Limb: Limb is another object-oriented PHP Framework! It can be used mainly for rapid web application development and prototyping.

Currently, you can get access to Limb 3 as the previous version Limb 2 is not maintained anymore.

Website : https://github.com/limb-php-framework/limb

37. Phocoa: Heard of Phocoa?

Yes, it is one of those PHP Frameworks that will contribute to making application development easier. Also, it helps in developing the applications much faster than others. The framework also ensures that your application is of high quality.

Try it out!

Website : http://phocoa.com

38. AjaxAC: Do you have trouble with developing or working on Ajax applications?

Don’t worry! AjaxAC could be the solution you are searching for while developing Ajax applications.

Another, open-source framework from PHP, it helps in developing faster, easier and high-quality applications of all sizes.

When using AjaxAC you do not have to reload the entire page as it implements the XMLHttpRequest object to change the state of web pages using the HTTP sub-requests in the background.

Website : http://glm-ajax.sourceforge.net

39. Zoop : This Framework from PHP was introduced in the year 2001 and has been in use across different production spaces. It has been built on MVC principles.

And, all the aspects of MVC culture are applicable across Zoop such as the separation of the display, logic and even the data layers. Also, you can this modular, extensible and efficient framework to strike an effective balance between the differently featured applications.

Website : https://sourceforge.net/projects/zoopframework/

40. BlueShoes: This is one of those application frameworks from PHP that also contains a Content Management System inside it.

Why should you be using it?

Because, it is written in one of the developer’s favorite scripting language PHP! But, there is more to it.

It allows you to develop applications in a faster, easier with no compromise on security and quality.

Another exciting feature of using BlueShoes is that it provides unconditional support to the widely-used MySQL database while supporting MSSQL and Oracle.

So, wouldn’t you start using it?

Yes, it must be something you have not tried for your application.

Website : http://www.blueshoes.org

41. Recess: It is something that the community is recommending for both amateurs and PHP experts to try while working on with their application.

This RESTful PHP Framework is the thing that you have been searching for to add more color and fun to your application development process.

It supports speedier and easier development of applications that belong to all sizes. With Recess, you do not have to worry about the quality or security of the applications that are being developed.

Website : http://ww7.recessframework.org

42. PHPDevShell: As the name suggests PHPDevShell is one of those frameworks where you can run your code from inside a shell. It is one of the shells that ensure the developer can develop their applications with ease, faster and keep it safe.

You can acquire your own plug-ins for PHPDevShell by plugging in PHP scripts into PHPDevShell’s secure menu system.

Website : https://github.com/TitanKing/PHPDevShell


There are a lot of programming languages you can use, but PHP is still the top option when it comes to server-side scripting. However, even if you’re a PHP pro, coding all the parts for each new project you embark on will take a lot of time. If you choose the best PHP framework for your needs, however, you can skip a lot of the groundwork and get straight to the fun part of developing a new project.

What do you think is the best PHP framework? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!